{MCKSPHProtocols} Corona Virus (COVID-19 Disease) — Infected and Preventive Healing
- From: Healing Protocols
The materials contained herein are copyrighted intellectual property. They are from the books and lectures of Master Choa Kok Sui: Miracles Through Pranic Healing, Advanced Pranic Healing, Pranic Psychotherapy, Pranic Crystal Healing. All materials are for personal reference only. Distribution, transmission or copying of parts or as a whole, in any form or manner, without prior written formal permission from the Institute for Inner Studies, Inc. (Philippines) is strictly prohibited.
Protocol For COVID-19
For Entry Level Pranic Healing
- Preparations for Pranic Healer
- Practice Meditation on Twin Hearts – regularly
- Do Pranic Breathing – especially before and during treatment.
- Use a proper disposal unit.
- Flick your healing hand to the disposal unit with intention during and after healing.
- Wash your hands up to the elbows during and after healing using alcohol, water and salt or
water and soap. - Take a water and salt bath after treatment.
- Relax and Avoid using too much will, negative thoughts and negative emotions especially
towards the patient and yourself
A. PREVENTIVE, without infection, without fever.
NOTE: Always seek medical advise when exposed to COVID19 infection or experiencing even
slight symptoms.
1. Invoke and scan before, during an dafter treatment.
2. General sweeping 3 to 4 times.
3. Localised thorough sweeping on the hand minor chakras and sole minor chakras.
Energise simultaneously imagine the “white light “ going into the bone.
Do not stabilise.
4. Localised thorough sweeping on the front and back solar plexus chakra and the liver.
Energise the front and back solar plexus chakra.
5. Localised thorough sweeping on the front and back spleen chakra.
6. Localised thorough sweeping on the navel chakra.
7. Localised thorough sweeping on the basic chakra.
8. Stabilise and release projected energy.
9. Repeat entire treatment once a day.
Supplementary steps for subject:
10. Do slow, deep abdominal Pranic Breathing for 5-15 minutes several times a day.
11. Eat nutritionally balance fresh food diet.
12. Drink adequate amounts of plain filtered water that has been energised under the sun daily.
13. Do simple aerobic physical exercises daily. Examples: walking, dancing, swimming,
active sports, hatha yoga, etc.
14. Expose the body is sunlight in the morning simultaneously do slow, deep
abdominal Pranic Breathing for 5 to 10 minutes daily.
15. Rest under a big healthy tree or embrace the tree.
16. Avoid all forms of negative thoughts, and negative emotions.
17. If religiously inclined, pray regularly and request the Lord to make you whole again.
18. Follow health advise strictly for preventing infection:
a. Stay home unless going out to buy food or medicine, to go to work if you are an essential
service worker, to go to clinic/hospital for testing or confinement
b. Practice social distancing – 2 arms’ length apart form others
c. Wash your hands frequently with water an soap or alcohol.
d. Do not touch your face especially your mouth, nose, eyes.
e. Regularly sanitise your door handles, furniture surfaces and accessories used.
f. If you have been exposed to an infected person or if you feel unwell: Immediately self-isolate,
wear a face mask, and consult your medical doctor by phone, online, or go to a medical clinic in your local area.
The Pranic Healing protocols contained herein are copyrighted intellectual property. They are
from the books and lectures of Master Choa Kok Sui: Miracles Through Pranic Healing, Advanced Pranic Healing, Pranic Psychotherapy, Pranic Crystal Healing. All materials are for
personal reference only. Distribution, transmission or copying of parts or as a whole, in any form
or manner, such as posting in the internet, chats, websites, group page, forums, brochures, print
material, posters, brochures etc. without prior written formal permission from the Institute for
Inner Studies, Inc. (Philippines) is strictly prohibited.
Pranic Healing – For Infected with COVID-19
– Preparations for Pranic Healer;
– Practice Meditation on Twin Hearts – regularly
– Do Pranic Breathing – especially before and during treatment
– Use a proper disposal unit.
– Flick your healing hand to the disposal unit with intention during and after healing.
– Wash your hands up to the elbows during and after healing using alcohol, water and salt or
water and soap.
– Take a water and salt bath after treatment.
– Relax and Avoid using too much will, negative thoughts and negative emotions especially
towards the patient and yourself.
NOTE: This is applied distantly to avoid unnecessary risks.
This treatment complementary to medical treatments and therapies.
Always seek medical advise immediately when exposed to COVID19 infection or experiencing
1. Invoke and scan before, during and after treatment.
2. General sweeping 2 to 3 times.
3. Localised thorough sweeping on the ajna chakra 50 or more times.
4. Localised thorough sweeping on the throat chakra, jaw minor chakras and the secondary
throat minor chakra 50 or more times each.
5. Localised thorough sweeping on the lungs 100 or more times each: : front, sides and back of
the lungs
6. Localised thorough sweeping on the front and back heart chakra.
Energise the back heart chakra. This is to energise the heart chakra and the lungs.
7. Localised thorough sweeping 50 or more times each on the front solar plexus chakra, the liver
and the back solar plexus chakra.
Energise the front and back solar plexus chakra.
8. Localised thorough sweeping 50 or more times each on the navel chakra, and sex chakra.
9. Localised thorough sweeping on the front and back spleen chakra.
Very gently slightly energise the front and back spleen chakra.
NOTE: If the patient has hypertension, do not energise the spleen chakra.
10. Localised thorough sweeping on the basic chakra 50 or more times.
NOTE: If the patient has fever, do not energise the basic chakra.
11. Apply thorough localised sweeping 50 or more times each on the hand minor chakras and
sole minor chakras.
Energise the hand minor chakra and sole minor chakras. simultaneously imagine the white light
going into the bones.
NOTE: Do not stabilise the projected energy.
12. Stabilise and release.
13. Repeat the entire treatment 3 to 5 times a day until the condition is stabilised.
14. Strictly follow proper medical advise and monitoring.
Immediately self isolate, and wear a face mask.
The Pranic Healing protocols contained herein are copyrighted intellectual property. They are
from the books and lectures of Master Choa Kok Sui: Miracles Through Pranic Healing,
Advanced Pranic Healing, Pranic Psychotherapy, Pranic Crystal Healing. All materials are for
personal reference only. Distribution, transmission or copying of parts or as a whole, in any form
or manner, such as posting in the internet, chats, websites, group page, forums, brochures, print
material, posters, brochures etc. without prior written formal permission from the Institute for
Inner Studies, Inc. (Philippines) is strictly prohibited.
A.1. Treatment for Pranic Healer before healing:
- Kindly remind the Pranic Healer the importance of their practice of the Meditation on Twin Hearts (any version) (with Arhatic practice if already an AY student) including physical exercises — before and after each treatment.
- Pranic Breathing before, during and after healing treatment,
- Release projected energy decisively, and avoid thinking/worrying about the subject.
- Bathe in water with salt at the end of each day of healing.
- Adequate sleep and rest a daily.
- and eat nutritionally balanced fresh food diet and vitamin C food and supplements
- Drink adequate amounts of plain filtered water daily.
- For washing: Water with salt or water with germicidal soap may be used instead of alcohol.
A.2. For Pranic Healer and for Patient:
- Invoke and scan before, during and after treatment.
- General sweeping with EV twice.
- Energise the front and back solar plexus chakra using EV with the intention of disintegrating negative emotional energy. Rescan.
- Using the divide the chakra into 4 parts cleansing technique, apply localised thorough sweeping on the front solar plexus chakra using EV with the intention to remove and disintegrate negative emotional energy. Rescan. Continue sweeping and rescanning alternately until the energy remains clean. Energise with EV – 3.
- Repeat step 4 on the back solar plexus chakra.
- Rescan the front and back solar plexus chakra. If the chakra remained clean, apply distributive sweeping to spread the fresh EV energy to the surrounding area.
- Flick your hand. Stabilise the projected energy with LB – 3.
- Localised through sweeping on the front and back heart chakra. Energise through the back heart using EV – 3.
- Localised thorough sweeping with EV on the Ajna chakra and Throat chakra. Rescan, Continue sweeping and rescanning alternately until the energy remains clean. Energise with EV – 3. Stabilise the projected energy with LB – 3
- Use the divide the chakra into 4 parts cleansing technique. Cleanse the crown chakra with EV. Rescan. Continue sweeping and rescanning until the energy remains clean. Energise the crown chakra with EV – 3. Stabilise the projected energy.
- ONLY for PATIENTS: Create chakral shields on the front and back solar plexus chakra, Ajna chakra, and Crown chakra. Create an auric shield.
- Repeat the entire treatment 2 – 3 times per week for as long as necessary.
- Additionally apply the following treatment to the patient
B. PREVENTIVE — not exposed or not infected
Two to Three times per week:
- Invoke and scan all major chakras and organs — before, during and after treatment.
- General sweeping twice with LWG. This is important.
- Localised thorough sweeping on the lungs. Energize through the back lungs with LWG – 3, LWO – 3, then ordinary LWV – 3. Point your away from the patient’s head when energising with LWO.
- Localised thorough sweeping on the front and back spleen chakra with LWG. Do not energise.
- Localised thorough sweeping on the basic chakra, abdominal area, and navel chakra. Energise the basic chakra and navel chakra with W – 3.
- Localised thorough sweeping on the entire arms and legs and their minor chakras. Energise the minor chakra with LWR – 3.
OR instead of step 5 and step 6 — and If the subject does not have hypertension, no major heart ailment, no severe kidney ailment, is not pregnant, is not below 3 years old, or not very weak or old:
Rescan the meng mein chakra frontally and sidewards.
Localised thorough sweeping on the meng mein chakra.
Energise with W – 3.
6. Localised thorough sweeping on the front and back solar plexus chakra and the liver.
Energise the solar plexus chakra with LWG – 2, LWB – 7, then ordinary LWV – 2.
7. Localised thorough sweeping on the front and back heart chakra. Energise through the back heart chakra with LWG – 2, then ordinary LWV – 5. Do not stabilise. – 3.
8. Localised thorough sweeping on the throat chakra and secondary throat minor chakra.
Energise with LWG – 3, then ordinary LWV – 3.
9. Localised thorough sweeping on the Ajna chakra, forehead chakra, crown chakra, back head minor chakra and jaw minor chakras.
Energise with LWG – 3, then ordinary LWV – 5.
10. Stabilise and release projected energy.
11. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or with alcohol.
12. Avoid touching your face especially mouth, eyes, or nose.
13. Avoid crowded, poorly ventilated or artificially air-conditioned places public places.
14. Drink adequate amounts of plain filtered water daily. Eat nutritionally balanced fresh food
diet with more fresh fruits and fresh vegetables in proper amounts daily.
15. Apply distant healing to infected subjects. There is no need to take unnecessary risks with
your health.
Pranic Healing
Additionally apply the following treatment
For Infected Subjects:
a. Apply distant healing to infected subjects. There is no need to take unnecessary risks with your health.
b. Emphasis is on thorough cleansing before energising.
c. Infants and children below 3 years old and very weak patients: Use W prana throughout the treatment. Energise gradually and gently.
d. Avoid over energising or congesting the patient.
- Invoke and scan before, during and after treatment.
- General sweeping several times alternately with LWG and LWB.
- Localised thorough sweeping on the front and back solar plexus chakra and the liver. Rescan. Continue sweeping and rescanning until the energy remains clean before energising. Energise the solar plexus chakra with LWG – 4, then LWB – 5. Only more experienced advanced Pranic Healers: additionally energise with LWO – 3.
- Localised thorough sweeping on the front and back heart chakra. Energise through the back heart chakra with LWG – 3, then ordinary LWV – 5.
- Localised thorough sweeping on the left and right lungs alternately with LWG and LWO. Energise through the back lungs with LWG – 3, then LWO – 3, then ordinary LWV – 3. Point your fingers away from the patient’s head when energising with LWO.
- Localised thorough sweeping on the front and back spleen chakra.
- Localised thorough sweeping on the lower abdominal area, and the navel chakra. Energise the navel chakra with LWG – 3, LWB – 3, then ordinary LWV – 3. NOTE: If the patient has intestinal bleeding, energise with very very LWG
- Localised thorough sweeping on the basic chakra. NOTE: Do not energise if the patient has fever.
- Localised thorough sweeping on the hand chakras and sole minor chakras. Energise with ordinary LWV – 5. NOTE: Do not apply step 9 more than once a day.
- Localised thorough sweeping on the Ajna chakra, the throat chakra, and secondary throat minor chakra alternately with LWG and ordinary LWV. Rescan. Continue sweeping and rescanning alternately until the energy remains clean. Energise with LWG – 3, then LWB – 3, then ordinary LWV – 3.Localised thorough sweeping on the crown chakra. forehead chakra, back head minor chakra, jaw minor chakras.
- Energise with LWG – 3, LWB – 3, then ordinary LWV – 3.
- Stabilise and release projected energy. Repeat the entire treatment 3 to 4 times per day for the next several days until the fever is gone.
NOTE: When the fever is completely gone for at least 24 hours and the condition is substantially healed, apply Enhancing the Immune and Defence System from the book: Advanced Pranic Healing by Master Choa Kok Sui.
Follow medical advise and therapies.
Hello and thanks for the action on giving guiding for the new diseases. However the steps of A.1, A.2 and B are not clear enough. As an example, A.2 is sughested for the healer and for the healer. Does it mean it must be done once on the healer and once on the patient and then move on to B section?
Please explain more clearly. Thanks.
Dear Peyman,
Atma namaste.
For clarification/s of the protocol, kindly message at phprotocols@gmail.com
Thank you.
Dear Peyman,
Atma namaste.
For clarification of the protocol/registration, kindly message at phprotocols@gmail.com
Thank you.
kindly enroll my name for access of protocols and all the other news related Pranic Healing. I am authorised Trainer for Maharashtra Foundation
Dear Shabhalaxmi,
Atma namaste.
For clarification of the protocol/registration, kindly message at phprotocols@gmail.com
Thank you.
Atma Namaste. Please double check if this step is correct?
7. Localised thorough sweeping on the front and back heart chakra. Energise through the back heart chakra with LWG – 2, then ordinary LWV – 5. “Do not stabilise.” – 3.
Dear Vincent,
Atma namaste.
For clarification of the protocol/registration, kindly message at phprotocols@gmail.com
Thank you.
Atma namaste.
Thank you very very much.
Wonderful and fantastic service.
May GMCKS and The Supreme Lord bless you and the entire world.
Dear Ravi,
Atma namaste.
For clarification of the protocol/registration, kindly message at phprotocols@gmail.com
Thank you.
Thank You GMCKS and Thank You IIS for sending this out to the world. As a suggestion, we could instruct the virus to mutate/transform/transmute, etc into a benign form Blessings and Love -Swami Champak Anand
Dear Champak,
Atma namaste.
For clarification of the protocol/registration, kindly message at phprotocols@gmail.com
Thank you.